I am hoping to live this year with the idea of magis in mind. Rather than thinking of this year as just another year, there are enough things going on to step it up and expect to accomplish more.
We are getting married May 17th. I want to learn how to be a good wife (I can't wait for that term to actually be applicable) and make all of this an exciting process. My parents are putting in a lot of time (a lot is an understatement - my mom is amazing) to help plan things, and I want to be better in helping them with everything.
I have been ABD (all but dissertation) for a semester. Last semester, I spent my time doing a lot of research and reading, with some writing. This semester, I need to step things up and write more. Now, resolutions are supposed to be specific - you can't just say, write more. So, it is my goal to produce 7-10 pages per week. Some may be bad pages/junk writing, but I am going to resolve to write at least 5 days a week. I never understood the fear of writing until I was well into my doctoral program. The dissertation isn't just writing a few seminar papers and putting it together. It's sticking with it for years. And I know I can stick with something for a while (5 years of running without falling off of the "wagon"), I just need to lean into the wind/fear and confront it by writing MORE. Writing more and more frequently. I'll put out my big goal for the year. I'm not sure how realistic it is, but better to aim high. I would like to have 2 drafts of chapters done by the end of 2014: one in the spring semester and one in the fall. That would put me on pace for finishing in 2016. I can't stay a Ph.D. candidate forever - this is the only way to change that.
I'm also hoping to blog more - I think I just need to get in the habit of writing anything more often. The blog could be my "break" for the day and a chance to just write in any mode possible. And finally on the running front...a few goals. I am not sure with the wedding and the writing that my spring schedule will have a lot of races. But I'll throw down a few goals:
1 mile: 5:49 (currently 5:51)
5k: 18:59 (currently 19:10)
10k 39:15 (currently 39:28)
1/2 marathon 1:29 (currently 1:32:34) - I am not sure of the likelihood of me running a half in the fall (or spring 2015), but I at least want to direct my training toward that end.
One thing that could help this is GU. I was very excited to find out right before Christmas that I will be part of the 2014 GU Energy Program. They are going to offer me a significant discount toward their products. While I've used their gels since 2009, I am looking forward to trying out their other products, particularly since they are dedicated to offering a number of gluten-free products.
Other updates to come. Meanwhile, we are loving all of our time with Heshie, the bulldog, who is keeping us on our toes!
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