Thursday, September 10, 2009

A "Capitol" Run

My task this morning was to run 10 miles at marathon goal pace (8:23 per mile). My path included running around the Capitol, down the National Mall, and around the Washington Monument. When I wrapped around the Washington Monument, I was welcomed by a number of sprinklers! This was at mile 5, not at a point when I was necessarily tired, but I was certainly getting hot by that point. To get misted for about 30 seconds was such a wonderful feeling. I felt like royalty - it was so refreshing and definitely helped me to stay on pace for the second half of the run.
It really was a gorgeous morning (mid sixties, sunny, with a breeze). Certainly qualified as a rave run in my book. Lots of people were out running on the Mall, and will we may not be running together, there is definitely a feeling of solidarity and togetherness among runners. Plus, more people means it's easier to cross the street without dealing with annoying cars!
The other thing that made this a good run was that when I arrived back at campus, my friend Wes was there. It was just lovely to be greeted at my "finish line" and to chat with my friend. We walked around for a little bit as I cooled down, and it was just a great way to conclude the run.
This was my last big run before the half marathon on Sunday. I might jog 2 miles on Saturday, but other than that, I will focus on cross-training, good stretching, and rest. Hopefully I'll have a good race report (and photos) from the big day. Until then..just rest, fluids, and some carbs too.

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