Monday, January 24, 2011

Beginning Cycle 1 of Boston Training

I am standing at the starting line of Boston training. I woke up excited today - knowing that I have a plan in hand, a decent base built with my cross training, and still the excitement of standing in Hopkinton again. This is what this week looks like:

Monday, January 24th: AM: Swim; PM, 45-60 minutes cross train/strength and core

Tuesday, January 25th: 45 minutes out easy; back in 41-42 minutes. Total=10 miles

Wednesday, January 26th: AM: Swim; PM, 60 minutes cross-train + strength and core

Thursday, January 27th: 6 miles easy

Friday, January 28th: AM: Swim; PM, 60 minutes cross-train + strength and core

Saturday, January 29th: 20 minute warm-up; 8x 3 minutes at a harder effort, 90 seconds rest (should not be all out, kind of like a longer fartlek); 20 minute cool-down. Total=9.5 miles

Sunday, January 30th: 11 miles easy (go very, very easy)

Weekly Mileage Total: 36.5 miles

Sarah says that for every hour put in on the elliptical, it is about the equivalent of a 40 minute run. So, 36.5 regular miles, plus approximately 15 miles from the elliptical, plus the swimming. Pretty steady mileage, and I just need to remind myself of that.

Went headfirst into training this morning with a 7AM swim. Really cranked it out - 49-50 minutes for the 2000 yard swim. Was chilly after - the ends of my hair froze! Then I had one of my independent study classes at 9 - I think swimming before was a good idea - it woke up my brain too! Seriously, I think running/training has made me a better graduate student - I tend to think through things a bit while I exercise and then am more prepared for class/discussion. Then had my TA course, and after that hopped on the elliptical an hour (7.7 miles) - that helped me to avoid the afternoon crash! Revitalized, I have one more class at 5 - Medieval Documentary Sources, which now I have the energy for.

On Saturday, I did an 8 mile run, which was my longest run of 2011 so far. Now, I am not one to really change my running routes, so the long runs just become various upon similar routes. I had a moment of triumph - I ran past the spot where I had to stop and walk on November 14th - the first sign of the IT band problems. I kept on going and going on Saturday, and it felt like a major triumph. I felt strong - the PT has been working and cross training has served as an adequate supplement to training. Definitely my happiest running moment of 2011 so far!


  1. U said fart! Signed, Mac

  2. I love fartleks--both doing them and saying it! So glad your IT is doing better!

  3. Glad the PT is helping!! Sounds like a great week of training! :)
